Pregnancy Massage
Your journey through pregnancy is a time of great change and growth, both within and without, and it is a tremendous honour to be a part of that. Whether you want help managing pain, accommodating postural changes, maintaining mobility or some emotional nurturing, pregnancy massage is an all natural, individual way of enhancing your prenatal experience.
Massage therapy treatments during pregnancy are safe and can be modified to suit every client’s unique needs, goals and comfort level. If you have been diagnosed with prenatal complications (e.g. pregnancy induced hypertension, gestational diabetes), or are experiencing a higher-risk pregnancy (e.g., multiples), pregnancy massage may still be possible for you. Aspire’s electric table can adjust to your height to make getting on and off the treatment table easier, and you can opt to be side-lying, seated, semi-reclined or face down using the body cushion pregnancy support system
Some common pregnancy concerns treated with massage therapy include:
Round/broad ligament pain
Diastasis Rectii
Lower back pain
Pelvic/Public symphysis pain
Carpal tunnel
Hand and foot swelling
Leg cramps
Muscle tension/pain
There are many more concerns and issues that can arise during pregnancy aside from these. If you have any questions or would like to know if massage therapy can help you, please don’t hesitate to contact the office. To book a pregnancy massage treatment now, click here